Monday, October 20, 2008

Leaf Raking
Chappy and the Christ Parish Men's Group Gathered approximately 20 people on Sunday, October 12. Together we raked 17 lawns in the community. It is amazing how much work you can get done cooperatively! It was a wonderful fall day and a great opportunity to be united in a mission--to be the hands and feet of Christ. Many Thanks to all those who participated including those who asked people if we could rake their lawn, and those who offered to have their lawns raked.

Christ Parish Kids Club
The Christ Parish Kids Club (formerly known as Life Together Wednesday Church School) is doing very well. Along with the name change there have been some other organizational changes that have improved the use of time. Among the changes is an opening in the sanctuary instead of a closing. Pastor Fran has is using the opening as a teaching time and offers a children's message.