Thursday, June 05, 2008

Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit!Alan played Jesus in a chancel drama this Lent. This is his "Garden of Gethsemane" pose.
A classy class picture.
The Silent Cake Auction raised over $600 for this summer's Servant Trip. At this rate, that's just enough for a tank of gas.

Below are some of the pictures from Sunday's joint service at Zion. This was first time that the confirmands from all four churches were confirmed and made affirmation of their baptismal faith together and it was a powerful experience! I am so proud of Caitlin, Courtney, Alan, Alex, Rebeca, Josh, Zack, Nick, Maria, Tiffany, and Emily for so politely putting up with me these past two years, learning Bible and church stuff together, and working hard to meet their requirements.A real miracle happened on Sunday. We had two sheet cakes for the fellowship following the service and there was enough left over to feed the nursing home residents next door!
Here's the joint choir warming up.
"OK, ugh, hmm, well, just follow along in your bulletins and with God's help and guidance we'll make it through together."
The new youth worship team made their debut with a driving prelude and a rocking postlude!
Sorry, I did forget to mention the bowling outing. Here we are dancing the "Macarena." No, Jim is not dancing out of step. He is taking his turn at bowling. We got a little side-tracked I am afraid, but I bowled one of my best games ever! I am not sure of the theological significance of bowling, but the fact that you see this pastor doing the the Macarena is proof that with Christ all things are possible.
Sorry about the lack of updates to the blog. The end of the programmatic year is a busy time. Here are some photos of "recent" events.Here is a photo of the Church School Spring Musical.
Bishop Tom and Luann Skrenes are the presenters and guests of honor at the Spring Women's Banquet hosted by the Parish men's group.
Bishop Tom and Luann Skrenes are joined at the table by Augustin Kormann Muellerleile (Such a big name for a little guy).
Bad photo of the water polo game at the Christ Parish Pool Party.